Sunday, December 8, 2013

Amazing Productivity

I woke up Saturday with a single thought in mind: Make sure the first thing I do each day is write 500 words.

I grabbed my computer and sat cross-legged on the bed. As soon as I launched Microsoft Word, the phone rang. It was my wife, Mary. Would I like to go to breakfast with her? Yes, I would.

I jumped up, showered, and went to my favorite breakfast joint.

My wife was delightful company and we talked about the story I'm working on. And about wiring the Christmas lights. And how she'd like a light in the space under the basement stairs.

Mary suggested we go to my niece's basketball game, but I explained that I had to finish the story I'm working on.

Since Lowes was nearby, I stopped to buy Christmas lights, a battery-powered light, and other stuff. I got what I needed and as usual a lot I didn't. In the back of my mind those 500 words nagged me.

When I got home, I brought in the stuff I'd bought and installed the under-stairs light. And I rewired the Christmas tree. And I got a ton of things done. I really felt motivated and I got a lot done.

But I didn't write 500 words.

It is amazing how productive you can be at non-writing tasks when you're procrastinating writing.

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